#CCL: Collaborating Creatively with China

Oct 8, 2014 | Innovation, Media Galleries, Uncategorized, Upper School News

BxX-f9TIMAEGTdoComparing classroom experiences, singing childhood songs in chinese and closing the gap on 7,500 miles, five of our own international students from China: Jack Xiao, Morgan Duan, Stacey She, Maomao Guo and Derek Liu, along with MVPS faculty: Meg Brown, International Coordinator and Mary Cantwell, Center for Design Thinking, skyped with their Chinese counterparts halfway around the world.
On one Friday night, in conjunction with Sabrina Lei at the North China Stanford School of Business, an international Mount Vernon team, through design thinking, participated in a collaborative leadership workshop.
For almost two hours, teams across the ocean from each other competed in a newspaper tower design challenge, brainstormed the various uses for a paper clip and ultimately discussed the educational differences between the U.S. and China
A few quotes from the students, during the event:
Jack: “In America they want you to be honest, share your opinions, and think freely.”
Derek: “We MUST collaborate in order to be successful.”
Maomao: “Failure can actually help you succeed.”
This is just one example of how Mount Vernon Upper School students are engaging, impacting, innovating, communicating, empathizing and collaborating.
Catch the play-by-play action in this Storify story. Be sure to watch all of the video clips – to experience the full impact.
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