Look What We’ve Been Doing, Mom & Dad!

Oct 15, 2014 | Media Galleries, Preschool News, Uncategorized

IMG_0362Proud preschoolers demonstrated that curiosity and passion drive learning, by sharing their recently gained knowledge of bugs, fish and recycling at their Fall Learning Showcase. Families were invited to take a child-led tour through the Preschool hallways into their children’s respective classrooms on Friday morning, October 10.
Exhibiting how interest-based curriculum is developed, illustrations of learning were documented on bulletin boards, which included: facts about bugs and insects (did you know they are different?); descriptions and diagrams of fish anatomy; the multiple aspects and benefits of recycling; and of course, many photos of preschoolers in full action mode.
In the classrooms, artwork was on display and different activity “centers” were in full swing: various sorting techniques were exhibited at small tables, book nooks with pillow seating opened up for collaborative reading, and “handwriting” using lines and curves evolved on the carpet. As our littlest students engaged in each center, they clearly revealed that learning demands interactive and flexible spaces.
One prekindergarten class needed a lot of space as they performed their “Zoo Phonics” song, complete with enthusiastically choreographed animal movements.
Since parents may only hear a fraction of a day’s worth of activities in the after-school verbal report, this opportunity allowed them to see, feel, hear and experience all of the amazing things our preschoolers are exposed to and involved in, on a daily basis.
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