The Upper School music and recording program, led by Mark Gallegos, is doing more than just teaching students how to play instruments or record tracks—it’s fostering a dynamic culture of creativity, collaboration, and growth. With opportunities for both beginner and advanced musicians, the program encourages students to explore their passions while developing technical skills that extend far beyond the music room.

In a recent interview, Mark shared how an upcoming performance this Thursday at 9:30 am in the Upper School’s music room came together, showcasing a culmination of hard work from the Audio Engineering class. This group of students has been learning everything from session setup to live sound as well as studio management, making Thursday’s event the perfect opportunity to apply their skills in a real-world context.

“The Audio Engineering class has been focusing on using our facilities to learn about mic placement, sound properties, and session setups. They’ve also been working on fixing the audio in the Black Box Theatre and redesigning parts of our studio,” Mark explained. “When this opportunity for a live music show came up, it felt like a cosmic alignment. We invited some Middle School musicians and combined it with what we were already doing in the Audio Class to create a truly collaborative event.”

The event will feature a mix of live and recorded elements, with performances by Upper and Middle School students. One of the highlights is Connor Holloway, Class of 2025, a talented violinist known for his classical and bluegrass styles. He will be performing alongside Jake Pierce, also Class of 2025, and a songwriter who recorded his original track, So Much More, last year for his iProject. Jake will also collaborate with fellow musician Anthony Becarria for Thursday’s performance, bringing a blend of country and Americana to the stage.

For those who may have missed Jake’s recording, it was part of a larger ‘Mix Tape’ that features other student-created tracks from last year. You can access it here.

Mark is particularly excited about how Thursday’s event will bring together students of all skill levels. “We’re fostering a culture of opportunity and inclusivity for musicians of all abilities,” he says. “Some students are beginners, while others have a lot of autonomy because they’ve really honed their skills. We want everyone to feel part of the music-making process here.”

The Middle School band, which has been working with music teacher Micah Caldwell on a variety of projects, will also have a chance to perform. “We’re trying to bridge the gap between Middle and Upper School, so students feel like they have something to look forward to when they move up,” Mark says. “Thursday’s event is a great extension of that.”

The event will feature about 30 minutes of performances, spanning genres from country and bluegrass to 70s rock. One of the exciting surprises may include a new song written by MV students, as well as a rendition of Paranoid by Black Sabbath performed by the Audio Engineering Crew.

For parents and students interested in attending, the event is open, and all are welcome. Please let us know if you will be there. Depending on attendance, we may set up outdoor speakers to expand the listening opportunity outside the music room.

Mark Gallegos, Micah Caldwell, and the music program at Mount Vernon are redefining what it means to study music in a school setting. By offering opportunities for students to explore everything from audio engineering to live performance, the program ensures that each student can pursue their passions in a hands-on, collaborative environment. Whether a student dreams of performing, recording, or even working behind the scenes, the music program is there to help them develop the skills they need.

Mark sums it up best: “We’re showing that excellence already exists within our community, and we hope to continue attracting students who are specifically interested in studying music in the unique way that Mount Vernon offers.”

If you’d like to attend Thursday’s event or learn more about Mount Vernon’s music program, be sure to RSVP, and stay tuned for more opportunities to support our talented students!