We believe in the power of connection—intentionally linking the journeys of our youngest and oldest students through a Mount Vernon tradition we call Alpha & Omega. Most people recognize the iconic Alpha/Omega moment at Mustang Rally, our annual, all-school spring event when seniors walk hand in hand with (or carry) Preschoolers through the parade of classes and participate in the always-anticipated piggyback race during the field games. These events are highlights, but the Alpha/Omega program is much more than these celebrated annual moments. This innovative partnership between the Preschool and Upper School creates a dynamic opportunity where mentorship and learning thrive.

Recognizing the potential for greater impact, Kate Canady, Head of Preschool, and Erin McCubbin, Executive Director of Student and Graduate Success, have redesigned the Alpha/ Omega experience this year to create more frequent and intentional opportunities for seniors and preschoolers to have consistent and meaningful connection moments. This year, senior advisories will be paired with Preschool classrooms and will visit the Lower Campus monthly as part of their advisory.

Throughout the year, Upper School students, known as the “Bigs,” will take on roles that extend beyond the events of Mustang Rally. From guiding preschoolers across campus to assisting with carpool and participating in special events, these interactions build lasting bonds. The program culminates in signature moments of Mustang Rally and the Senior Salute, where seniors make a symbolic final walk through the Lower Campus, celebrating the relationships they’ve nurtured.

Since the beginning of this year, three successful volunteer opportunities have already been completed—and many more to come. Two standout seniors, Kennedy Reynolds, and Amelia Bruening, have been at the forefront of this initiative and are a consistent presence at the Preschool. Their commitment, along with that of the entire Class of 2025, exemplifies the leadership, empathy, and community spirit that Alpha/Omega is all about.

The Alpha/Omega program is also a key example of Mount Vernon’s strategic plan, The Impact Ready Project. Target 2 of the plan focuses on relationships and networks, encouraging learners to traverse all dimensions of the community and fostering deep connections within the school. By prioritizing intentional interactions and cultivating a culture of mentorship, Mount Vernon is setting a new standard for how schools can innovate and inspire across generations.