As summer approaches and reading lists are posted, teachers are reminding students of the magic of immersing themselves in a good book. Grade 3 teachers and students created “Camp Read-A-Lot”, a day dedicated to pushing desks aside, bringing pillows, stuffed animals, and flashlights to class and cuddling up with their favorite books.

“Set the stage to engage!” Grade 3 teacher, Cari Barocas exclaimed. “We have realized that when we set up the room in a totally different way, students are super excited about and engaged in whatever the lesson is that day.”

Camp Read-a-Lot was designed to rekindle a passion for reading just in time for summer to start. They also ventured to make connections with Inside Out And Back Again By Thanhha Lai, the historical novel grade 3 has been reading. In this book, the main character, Há, is forced to leave Vietnam and to find comfort in her family and one chosen item, an old worn-out doll. Grade 3 was able to choose their one item, their stuffed animal. And, everyone was able to experience the day as one big family. 

“I liked that I got to use my imagination to pretend we were all camping as a family and all reading books.” Said Wiley McCord who chose to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.

While reading was the main focus for the day, students also participated in other camp-themed lessons. They wrote about what item they would take if they had to leave home forever. They had a math lesson in which they planned a camping trip with a $500 budget and a list of supplies that all had to fit in a certain area of the campground. Students read non-fiction books about their favorite sport or historical event. One class even made friendship bracelets.

“My favorite part of the day was sitting and working in the dark. I really liked the star lights on the ceiling, too.” said Brandon Cranmer who joined Wiley in reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Shortly after this event, a representative from the Fulton County Public Library came to speak to our students about an exciting summer reading initiative. Children and adults are encouraged to sign up and log which books they read for a chance to win prizes. Don’t worry if you don’t live in Fulton County! If you are a student or a teacher in Fulton County, you can participate.