On Friday, September 16, Mount Vernon welcomed current students and families, faculty/staff, grandparents, and alumni to celebrate Homecoming 2022. Additionally, the Mount Vernon community celebrated the Hill family on this day of remembrance to honor a teacher, coach, father, brother, and friend who will always be a part of our Mount Vernon fabric, Coach Ron Hill.

Homecoming Day official proceedings started at 3:45 pm with Head of School, Kristy Lundstrom leading Mount Vernon students, parents, faculty and staff onto the field. Members of Coach Hill’s family including his daughters Erica, Sydni, Symone, Kyndria, and Megan, five of his grandchildren, Kyiah, Kourtlyn, Maliq, Axel, and Gage and his fraternity brother Darryl Singleton joined the Mount Vernon community on the field.

Students went first, as attention was drawn to MustangVision for a video honoring the memory of Coach Hill through the words of Mount Vernon students. The video set a tone for Kristy’s remarks.

“Coach Hill made such a positive impact on our school with his infectious enthusiasm, his love for life, his love for his students and student-athletes and love for his colleagues.

On behalf of the School community, I would like to welcome and thank his family for joining us for this significant moment. And, thank you to our major supporters for making this dream a reality.

It is with great honor and respect that together, we dedicate this field to his memory today and remember Coach Hill for generations of Mustangs to come.

As a school, we will take his story of care and compassion and use that as a model when our team of athletic coaches lead and nurture our athletes.

As a community, we will take this field and build on it. We will expand the adjacent property behind it to offer more opportunities for Health & Wellness, community gatherings, and sporting events.

We will seek opportunities to create more community moments such as this with alumni, future students, extended families, and visitors. This field will foster relationships – just like Coach Hill did. We salute you, Coach!

At this time, I would like to ask our senior representatives to present gifts of gratitude to our dear friends on the field.

We also want to take a moment to thank every member of our community that gave of their time, talent and treasure, whether big or small, to make The Ron Hill Field a reality.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to The Ron Hill Field!”

Alumni, Jackson Hammond presented gifts to Coach Hill’s daughters. Gifts of appreciation were also presented to donors who made the event possible, without their support Mount Vernon would not have been able to returf the field to honor this incredible man.

After the field dedication ceremony, recording artist and Mount Vernon senior, Maggie Simms sang the national anthem. The Mustangs went on to face the Tattnall Trojans in what Tim Tebow suggested in a special video played before kickoff, was the best way the team could honor Coach Hill. “If we walk off that field together after giving it our all for the 4-6 seconds a play, what a team we would be. What a way to honor Coach Hill.” The Mustangs went on to beat the Trojians 35 to 34. See Coach Dabbs post-game thoughts on this very special game.

See more pictures here.

Thank you to the gracious donors who made the field dedication event possible.

Mr. and Ms. Scott S. Quesinberry
Mr. Jon Ramsey
Mr. and Ms. Michael J. Rego
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Schimelman
Ms. Kristin Schleicher
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schwalb
Mr. and Ms. Wallace N. Shiver
Mr. Colin Smith
Mr. and Ms. Steve S. Soteres Sr.
Mr. Jonathan J. Spitz
Mr. and Ms. Samuel Still
Mr. and Ms. Craig A. Sweeterman
Mr. and Ms. Brett D. Taylor
Mr. and Ms. Chris Thomas
Mr. and Ms. William Tice
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Tubandt
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan K. Vansant
Mr. and Ms. David B. Walmsley
Mr. and Ms. Jeff Warshaw
Ms. Jennifer K. Webb
Mr. and Ms. Allen Westmoreland
Mr. and Ms. Travis Williams