Before Spring Break, Mount Vernon students were off on an adventure of a lifetime during Interim Term. Some traveled both domestically and abroad, while others explored their passions closer to home through CORE and internships. 

So, what were some highlights of Interim 2022? Keep reading to find out! 

Egypt: The Wonders of Ancient Egypt
Like their trip title shares, travelers who went to Egypt spent their time exploring ancient cities, mosques, museums, pyramids, temples, and more! They started their journey with a cruise down the Nile River and even got a chance to ride camels in the desert! See more here

The Highlight 
While it’s hard to beat camel rides, our Egypt crew flexed their inquiry muscles when they visited the NIS School in Cairo. Students learned about international education from a group of students at a school which also prides itself on being globally competitive – sound familiar? We thought so, too! 

Thailand: Elephant Conservation and Service
In Thailand, MV students explored markets and bazaars, tasted authentic Thai cuisine (even ordering without English descriptions!), took a Muay Thai training class, visited temples, and even participated in an afternoon of service learning. See more here. 

The Highlight
Spending time with the elephants, of course! Explorers got to interact with these animals up close and personal both at an elephant sanctuary and an elephant nature park. They walked with them, bathed them, and learned the importance of conservation work. As one chaperone said, it was a “mic-drop” moment. 

London and Normandy: World War I and II in Europe
On this trip, travelers had an in-depth experience studying both world wars as they traveled through Europe. Complete with fish and chips and a trip to The Chocolate Museum, travelers visited the Royal Air Force Museum, cathedrals, the Imperial War Museum, and so much more. See more here

The Highlight
The Highlight of this trip? The variety of travel. Students were immersed in cultures of London, Normandy, Brussels, and France. From the tour stops to the local shops and cuisine, students were able to experience it all on this journey through history.

Galapagos: Quito and the Galapagos
How did these MV travelers kickoff their trip? Spending time on both sides of the equator, of course! These students explored the city of Quito and tasted exotic chocolates from Ecuador, visited Tortuga Bay and spent time with tortoises, and built a strong, long-lasting bond with their WorldStrides tour guide. See more here.

The Highlight
On a quest to become change makers, travelers in the Galapagos spent a full day at 8,800 ft. at a cloud forest reserve community called Yunguilla. At the cloud reserve, students participated in a service project, labeling jams, weeding gardens, and visiting community homes, using their trip to help design a better world.

Greece: Greek Odyssey
Greek dancing, cooking classes, and more… doesn’t it make you want to yell “OPA!” Travelers in Greece visited Corinth, the Acropolis Museum, the Temple of Nike – Goddess of Victory, and the Temple of Apollo, while also learning about pottery, Grecian cooking, and more on their journey. See more here. 

The Highlight
Shaun White, who?? Our students are Olympians! While visiting Oympia, home of the first Olympic Games, Mustang gold medalists – or students – took part in their own race around the track. Later on their trip they had the chance to stop by another Olympic stadium, as well. Goooo MV! 

Bahamas: Marine Biology in the Bahamas
Chaperone Sheldon Staples shared some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets seen on Interim from the Bahamas. In the beautiful environment, students had the opportunity to explore coves and caves, Money Point, and Morgan’s Bluff. They went treasure hunting in Captain Morgan’s Cave, learned about the sea life around them, and more. See more here.

The Highlight
Seeing students immersed in the environment around them. From cracking open their own coconuts for breakfast to looking for sea stars, catching fish and crabs to snorkeling, these travelers learned the ins and outs of island life.

Iceland: Glaciers and Lava
There’s no doubt about it – our Iceland travelers had an adventure! They experienced freezing, snowy weather, explored lava caves, relaxed in The Blue Lagoon, trended on Twitter, saw geysers and black sand beaches, watched an Icelandic horse show, and tasted plenty of cultural treats! See more here.

The Highlight
The Iceland highlight? Seeing these students come together as a group and build relationships. Their bus got stuck in the snow and it was too cloudy to see the Northern Lights, but these Mustangs decided to make their own light. Iceland truly left a mark on them (don’t worry – it was only temporary!). 

Belize: Natural Wonders
In another tropical atmosphere, students were doers. They caught, cleaned and cooked fish, built relationships with the locals over games of volleyball, visited ancient temples and architecture, and enjoyed the warm, beautiful weather. See more here.

The Highlight 
Iguanas! Belize travelers had the opportunity to really get to know the wildlife around them with an up close experience with iguanas. From babies to their mama’s, these students learned all about this incredible native-to-Belize creature, and got to hang out with them, too! 

Washington, D.C.: Exploration of US History 
Students and chaperones put holes in their walking shoes on this trip, tracking almost 30 miles during their four-day exploration of our nation’s capital. They saw the National Mall, visited the Spy Museum and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, took a walking tour of Arlingington National Cemetery, and saw all of the monuments D.C. had to offer. See more here

The Highlight
On their last day, students took a water taxi down the Potomac River to Mount Vernon! No, not our Mount Vernon, but the Mount Vernon where George Washington lived. Students were amazed to see the original home of the Washington’s, as well as their vast grounds housing multiple farms and buildings. They even brought home some new MV swag, mysteriously branded like our School. 

Stay tuned for an in-depth look at internships and CORE opportunities that took place over Interim Term, too, and keep a lookout for the next episode of the Made in MV Podcast where we talk all things Interim! 

On campus, Mount Vernon faculty often bring the outside world to students through MVXperts, design briefs, and real world problem solving, but Interim Term allows students to leave the constraints of the Mount Vernon learning studios and expand upon their skills in real world settings. 

More so than an immersive experience for the School’s learners, this week-long term allows faculty and students to strengthen relationships – peer-to-peer, faculty-to-student. Traveling together and sharing these once-in-a-lifetime experiences lead to bonds that last beyond Interim.