MVAllstar Competing at Nationals

Feb 14, 2018 | All School, Fine Arts, Have Fun, Upper School News

The MVALLSTARS Theater troupe attended their first Georgia Thespian conference in Columbus, GA, returning with four wins, resulting in their solo individual adjudicated events.
Seniors Jordan Ricketts and Julia Willingham received ratings of EXCELLENT for their musical theater solos.
Junior Shannon McCarthy received a rating of EXCELLENT for her acting solo piece.
Freshman Arden Adams received a rating of SUPERIOR for her musical theater, qualifying for the Nationals competition at the International Thespian Conference this summer. Student Thespian Honor students come from around the world to participate in this prestigious event!
Congratulations to all our attendees and a big shoutout to Jordan, Julia,ย Shannon, and Arden for their epic win for MV fine arts and the MVALLSTARS!