#MVINTERIM: A Walk Around the World

Feb 28, 2018 | All School, Have Fun, Middle School News, Upper School News

Contributed by Nina Toller, Communications Intern/Junior
Students this week are traveling across the globe, exploring their passions and creating lifelong memories through Mount Vernon’s Interim Term. During this time they are able to create lifelong memories as well as explore their passions. The trips are led by Mount Vernon faculty and range from service work expeditions to cultural and language expeditions.
This year international trips to Argentina, Italy, Germany, Costa Rica, and Morocco were offered, and our domestic opportunities included the Grand Canyon and Chicago, as well as two internal programs- CORE and Internships. CORE, our Collection of Relational Experiences, allows students the ability to deeper explore Atlanta and take unique classes that interest them but that may not traditionally be an option during regular semesters. Comparatively, the internship program gives students a chance to pursue working opportunities in various professional fields. This gives upper schoolers an option to learn more about a different career option and to strengthen their own skills.
Trips to Italy, Germany, and Argentina have fully immersed students in breathtaking culture and traditions. In Italy students so far have visited the city of Rome, where they had a transformative experience at the Vatican and saw many historical monuments, such as the Pantheon. In addition, they experienced these breathtaking sights covered in blankets of white, as for the first time this week in 35 years it snowed in Italy! ย In Germany theyโ€™ve visited Dresden and Dachau, two cities rich in history from WWII that are imperative in sharing the story of this remarkable country. Students in Costa Rica are doing service work for the local community of Chilamante and bonding with locals and exploring different cultural activities. ย The most exotic ย international trip, Morocco, has lead students to embark on an adventure packed with various experiences. Theyโ€™ve visited Marrakech and even ridden camels in the Sahara desert.
Our domestic opportunities have just as many redeeming qualities as our international ones, as students in Chicago have seen Broadway plays and visited the world renowned Art Institute of Chicago. In the Grand Canyon theyโ€™ve visited Mt. Zion, and hiked several national wonders of America.
Make sure to follow #mvinterim on Twitter to further keep up with our journeys and catch the latest stories!