Rising to the Challenge

Oct 1, 2013 | Middle School News, Uncategorized

On Friday, September 27, the fifth through seventh grade students participated in a team building retreat, directed by Atlanta Challenge.  The day began with the formation of teams, who then created their own team names, sounds and motions. Once the teams were set they began a series of “Survivor” style field games, where teams won immunity and voted against one another.  Students were challenged with everything from constructing and carrying a tower made of foam puzzle mat pieces to spelling out the words “Teamwork” with various shapes while blindfolded. Each challenge required students to collaborate and problem solve to accomplish the task. Utilizing individual strengths, team members built one another up, and worked as one unit to rise to the challenge.
The afternoon concluded with a GPS scavenger hunt requiring teams to locate specific checkpoints to discover a secret message.  Students were also given the opportunity to perform bonus challenges along the way earning them extra points toward cans.  In the end, students boxed and packed two cars full of canned goods to be donated to the Community Assistance Center.
In a world of “survival of the fittest” and “looking out for number one,” it was refreshing to see our Middle School students leading the way by putting the team ahead of the individual.  Our students not only learned the value of teamwork, but they also learned the importance of working together for the benefit of others in need.  This retreat day was one that not only challenged our students at MVPS to grow, but it also made a positive impact on our community.