Startup Sensation: A Story of 65 Fifth Grade Entrepreneurs

Apr 9, 2014 | Media Galleries, Middle School News, Uncategorized

In partnership with an enrichment organization called Break Into Business, Mount Vernon’s fifth grade classes has been working on a two-month project transforming this group of 65 students into successful entrepreneurs!
In order to be well prepared to launch their small business at the Chick-fil-A Home Office on April 29, the students have been following along with the 3 Ps of Entrepreneurship – Product, Price, and Promotion. They first brainstormed an amazing product idea and tested it through market research. Leave it to fifth grade creativity to come up with ideas such as the “Manyard” (lanyards for men), “Things on Sticks” themed baked goods, and car air fresheners sporting the Chick-fil-A cow (they really know their target market!). The teams next developed a detailed budget of expected revenue and expenses. Finally, they launched extensive promotional campaigns by creating business websites, t-shirts with their logo printed on the front, posters, slogans, and more.
Our 16 small businesses have one more obstacle before launch day – first they must undergo the scrutiny of the “Shark Tank” who will pressure test every aspect of their business plan. Given the hard work and creativity that these students have demonstrated thus far, there is no doubt they will emerge unscathed and ready to LAUNCH! The students have elected to donate at least 10% of profits to Lighthouse Family Retreat, then they will split the remainder. A first taste of the rewards of business success – sure to inspire even bigger and better ventures down the road!
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