A Walk in the Shoes of a Pioneer

Dec 9, 2015 | Have Fun, Impact, Inquiry, Lower School News, Maker

BA__2302Thanks to the Atlanta History Center, students in fourth grade were able to learn about the typical trials and tribulations of the Pioneer Days. Bringing a traveling trunk to the grade’s in-house field trip, a period actress from AHC shared many items and practices of the trying times.
Tying in to the fourth grade Pioneer unit, the experience brought excitement to the students about how and why pioneers were on the move. Everyone had an opportunity to empathize with the travelers by handling artifacts such as games, toys, soap and tools along with items used for school, cooking and crafting. They also tried on authentic clothing to really get into character.
Emma Scott Chandler shares, “It was really interesting when she told us about the clothes. It was cool how they washed their clothes with an interesting looking washing board. It was fun to hear about how they hunt for food because I’ve been hunting with my dad.”   BA__2281 BA__2332 CVtT9sNXAAA0Zkg CVtTjPcWEAAuo8f CVtTjOrWEAAfuWu CVtTjOsWcAIIp-z  CVtT9sOWwAEWsAI CVtT9sPWoAAUPjj