Sophomore Skyler Tiffin’s MoVe Talk: 2 Million Minutes

Sep 6, 2017 | All School, IMAMUSTANG, Impact, Innovation, Inquiry, Upper School News

Skyler Tiffin, a Mount Vernon sophomore and Innovation Diploma student, challenges us to rethink the purpose of school in her Moment of Visible Empathy (MoVe) talk at last summer’s fuse conference.
Take 7 minutes (or at least 2-3) to see and hear how Skyler exemplifies Mount Vernon, as described in MVx Mount Vernon’s new strategic plan
WE VARY ROUTES. The future demands it. In a world of turbulent change, we are focused on the future. We invest in setting the conditions for this generation of students — their future, not our past. Learning yearns for it. Learning is not one-dimensional. There is not one perfect fit, not an exact formula. Learning is not confined to a specific time and place. Learning is jagged. At the end of the day, our mission requires it. It is our truth north, our non-negotiable imperative to be “a school of inquiry, innovation, and impact.”
With her provocative questioning and case study examples of how school could be different, Skyler implores educators to rethink school schedules, grading practices and curriculum to more closely mirror the real world. Skyler’s poignant claim that “we’re not defined by a number but instead by the problems we solve” serves as a reminder that learners of all ages have the desire to create impact now and it is up to us to make room for the next generation’s solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems.

      • Why can’t school be a place where we solve real problems now?
      • Why wait?
      • When learning has a purpose, all learners can do great things – and what if that were school?