National Honor Society Inducts 24 New Members at Mount Vernon

Apr 25, 2018 | All School, Upper School News

“For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it. For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.” ~Ephesians 5:8-9
Welcome: Nina Toller, junior
This is an important milestone in our lives. This morning we have the opportunity to induct a new group of leaders into the National Honor Society Chapter of Mount Vernon. Sadly, for one group of individuals to join, another has to leave. The seniors are passing the torch, continuing the prestigious tradition, a tradition of honor and respect.
Nationally, NHS members who have retired from their chapter progressed to join extraordinary careers and professions, a wide array of different fields, all expressing the qualities that NHS represents: Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. These careers and professions include astronauts, officers in the Navy, Pulitzer Prize Winners, a former President of the American Red Cross, a Neurosurgeon, a Brain Surgeon, a cardiologist, Senators, CEOs, Governors, physicists, one of whom won a Nobel Prize, federal judges, a president (Gerald Ford), and Mr. Rogers. These examples serve to illuminate the potential for the students within this room, where I see not only hard working individuals, but promising futures from the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.
Prayer: Ben Blair, senior
Thank you for safely gathering these bright, young individuals within the room as well as the caring family members that join us today in support of their sons and daughters; their hard work has paid off. Help us find your name and your light in all of our endeavors so that we may always honor you. Amen.
Each year, the members of the National Honor Society hear from a member of the Mount Vernon community from whom we would like to gain insight and wisdom. Mrs. Brandi Hoyos has been here less than a year, but she is already a cornerstone of our community– sharing her wisdom with students and teachers alike. She is the Director of Multicultural Innovation and Diverse Networks at Mount Vernon, and is a well respected teacher, mentor, and friend. 
Chapter History: Maquie Weiss, senior
The Mount Vernon National Honor Society, Equites Chapter, has been in existence for 11 years. Today we induct 24 new members. This group will continue to work to make Mount Vernon, the Sandy Springs Community, the state of Georgia and our country proud. We annually sponsor a blood drive- which collected over 60 pints of blood last year- and participate in service opportunities like volunteering with the Sandy Springs Library, Dunwoody Nature Center and PAWs Atlanta. Each member of the Equites Chapter at Mount Vernon represents the four qualities held in high esteem by the Society: scholarship, leadership, character, and service.
Symbolism of the Torch: Erin McCubbin, NHS Advisor
Please focus your attention to our table with the five candles representing in the center our Torch, our light, flanked on the sides by candles representing Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service.
To you today the emblem which will be yours to wear should make you proud. All that is good from the past, all that you have sought and will hopefully always seek and in turn give to others– scholarship, leadership, character, and service– should be found embodied in this emblem, your badge of deserved distinction and highest honor– The Torch.
Induction: Megan Lienau, senior
Candidates, for membership, when your name is called, please sign the ledger of membership and then receive your pin and certificate from the Officers and Dr. McCubbin. You will wear your pin with pride at all dress uniform functions, upholding our society’s ideals.
Alex VanLandingham
Anna Kate Pickering
Ashley Hall
Ashley Koch
Caroline Cuthbertson
Caroline Qatsha
Carson Watson
Charlotte Nickell
Clayton Patnode
Dhailijha Dubique
Eliza Bruno
Emery Dikeman
Emmaus Yonas
Grace Keller
Harriet Middleton
Jack McGuire
Jordan Helton
Katieanne Peterson
Lauren Waters
Maddy Long
McLaren Christensen
Morgan Mulrain
Shannon McCarthy
Skyler Tiffin
National Honor Society pledge: “I pledge to maintain high scholastic standing/to hold as fundamental and worthy an untarnished character/to endeavor intelligently and courageously to be a leader, and to give of myself freely in service to others. In so doing, I shall prove myself worthy of a place in the National Honor Society.”
Honorary Induction of Keynote speaker: Megan Lienau
In recognition of allegiance to our Honor Society, we would like to recognize and induct Mrs. Brandi Hoyos as an honorary member of our society. She truly exemplifies the pillars of our society and represents excellence in scholarship, leadership, character, and service.
Scholarship. Leadership. Service. Character. This are the tenets of National Honor Society. If we follow these we will find success in school, but more importantly, in life.
With this in mind, I share the musings on success of Ralph Waldo Emerson:  “What is success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate the beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded.”
Congratulations, 2018 NHS New Members!