Mount Vernon Grandparents and Special Friends

Dec 1, 2021 | All School, Blog, IMAMUSTANG, Lower and Middle School

Grandparents and special friends hold an important place in our lives. At Mount Vernon, we believe that they are the cornerstone of our Mustang Family, and are grateful for their involvement in the community. Most importantly, as a School, we are thankful that our Grandparents remain supportive of their grandchildren’s journey as we prepare them for the world beyond the classroom walls.

While Grandparents are welcome at all Mount Vernon events, throughout the year, the School, in partnership with the Mount Vernon Parent Network, holds special events just for this unique group in our community.

Most recently, Grandparents and special friends were invited to campus for two events, Grandparents Night at the Arts and Lower Campus Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Additionally, this week all were invited to a special virtual coffee to hear from current Head of Upper School Kristy Lundstrom as she introduced the concept of a Healthy Mind Platter.

Before the break, Grandparents gathered together at a reception prior to the performance of Little Women The Musical. They met in the Middle School Art Gallery for a time of fellowship, and even had the chance to tour the Middle and Upper School buildings.

“It was not just one thing that impressed me,” said one Grandfather present at the reception. “In both the Middle and Upper School, students are learning how to apply their knowledge to the experiences they will have for the rest of their lives.” 

Some of the most special moments from the night came when Grandparents connected with each other, recognizing friends from their past or even old coworkers. 

Friday, November 19, the Lower Campus was bustling with activity as Grandparents and special friends were invited to visit their Preschool and Lower School grandchildren in their classrooms. 

The event began with a welcome reception, then guests traveled to the classrooms to learn more about how student learning is unique at Mount Vernon. This annual event always brings smiles to the faces of not just the Grandparents and special friends, but the students and teachers, as well.

This week, Grandparents joined virtually to hear from Kristy Lundstrom, learning about discovering, documenting, and demonstrating an understanding of time and what balance looks like for today’s students. 

The idea of a Healthy Mind Platter might have been new to guests at the virtual coffee, but has been shared across campus multiple times this school year, both with parents and students, even in the Lower School. 

“I think the emphasis on kids needing rest between activities to give their brains time to recharge is important, especially as students get so busy,” shared a Grandparent who attended the virtual coffee. “We can all strive for better awareness of and attention to the mental health of the children.” 

To learn more about Grandparent events and involvement at Mount Vernon, please reach out to Director of Community Impact Hunter Pierce at [email protected]. From our students to our Grandparents, as Mustangs we know that we are truly better together.