St. Nicholas Visits #MVLittles Shoes

Dec 10, 2014 | Inquiry, Preschool News, Uncategorized

IMG_8576 (1)A bit of Christmas magic arrived at the Preschool on Monday. The Feast of Saint Nicholas is a tradition celebrated in Northern Europe on December 6, marking the beginning of Advent. In Germany, children place shoes outside their bedrooms or on their windowsill on December 5 hoping St. Nicholas will visit and fill the shoes with candy, cookies, and small gifts.
In honor of St. Nicholas, our preschoolers each placed a shoe in the hallway when they arrived at school. Quickly afterwards, the children discovered their shoes had been filled with holiday treats: candy canes, oranges, and chocolate coins. Imagine the surprise and delight that followed! For our youngest innovators “magical” encounters lead to creative thinking and open a world of wonder and exploration.
Continuing our exploration of Christmas traditions around the world, the Young Fives will soon celebrate St. Lucia’s Day, a Swedish festival of lights that marks the beginning of the Christmas season. In celebration, Scandinavian baked foods are served to visitors and our Young Fives will travel in white clothes with “star” hats to the younger classrooms to share some breakfast traditions.
No December could be complete without a visit from Santa! Jolly old St. Nick comes to the Preschool, too and the excitement is building as our Littles deck the halls with torn paper trees, gift wrapped blocks, and colorful ornaments of every shape and size. Our semester concludes with the annual Preschool Christmas Program on Friday, December 19 in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m.
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