Jackson McDougall, Head of Lower School…For A Day

May 20, 2015 | Have Fun, Impact, Lower School News, Uncategorized

Mr. McDougall ran the show for the day. The Lower School show. Filling Shelley Clifford’s shoes.
As a third grader, Jackson McDougall was awarded the prestigious distinction to carry the Head of Lower School title, for a day. Deanna and David McDougall were the highest bidders at the Mustang Rally Silent Auction, winning the coveted prize for their son.
Setting the tone for his new responsibility, Jackson’s first order of business was to declare an out of uniform day for the entire Lower School.
Mr. McDougall, wearing a blazer and bowtie, started the day greeting students in carpool as they arrived to school. He commented to Ms. Clifford, ” It’s so much fun to see everyone in the morning!” To which Ms. Clifford responded, “I agree that it is always a great way to start my day, too!”
After helping with morning announcements, Jackson set up his office with his Mac Book. While Ms. Clifford had a quick teacher meeting, he brainstormed interview questions to ask our third grade teacher candidates. He then led one of the candidates on a learning walk and observed while she taught a lesson – leading off the interview with a thoughtful question, “What is your approach to teaching math and science?”
IMG_3605Next, Jackson and Ms. Clifford had a quick snack break and walked over to Glenn Campus. There, Dr. Jacobsen asked Jackson how his day was going and if he had any ideas or proposals that he would like to share. Jackson shared his idea about labeling recorders so everyone can keep up with their things.
Dr. Jacobsen shared with his guest what an impressive young man he thought Jackson was. He then presented the young Principal with a “transformer” award and talked to him about what it means to be a good samaritan.
Next, the dynamic duo returned to the Founders Campus to meet a second teaching candidate. Later, Jackson met with Mr. Clark Allen, Sage’s Director of Dining Services, and thanked him for approving the extra ice cream. Jackson had a lunch appointment with Mrs. Nicole Martin, Head of Learning and Innovation for the Lower School. With almost a day’s work behind him, Jackson joined his third grade class for their “extra play time,” that thanks to him – they received.
Not unusual for any given day, a few afternoon “fires” popped up and Jackson fulfilled his duties by helping to first facilitate a meeting regarding appropriate attire, and a second — coaching a young man through good choices.
At the end of a very full day, both Heads of Lower School prepared for carpool and called it a day. A great day.

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