2015-2016 Convocation: Be a Multiplier

Aug 18, 2015 | All School, Have Fun, Media Galleries

On day 3 of the 2015-2016 school year, Dr. Jacobsen called our entire school body together in the Glenn Campus gym to officially kick-off the new year. Students in Preschool through grade 12, faculty, staff and parents joined in prayer, song and spirit to hear our Head of School’s charge: Be a Multiplier.
Head Prefect and senior John Willingham opened the celebration by stepping up to address the audience of almost 1000: “As this school year progresses, I challenge each and every one of you from the youngest of the preschool to the oldest of the senior class of 2016, to be classy. That means to give it everything you have to not only make sure you use your manners and work hard in your classes, but to make sure you appreciate and are grateful for all the amazing things that are happening at our school. Be worthy of this place!”
Dr. Jacobsen illustrated his Be a Multiplier charge by sharing the parable of the talents from the Gospel of Matthew. By making wise choices and sharing out, each and every one of us can multiply the good, be more and make an impact.

Through cheers and shouts, each and every Mustang heeded the call.
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#IMAMUSTANG 2015-2016. We are ready.

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