Art Students Give their Talents to Benefit Mount Vernon’s Institute for Innovation

Nov 4, 2015 | All School, Lower School News, Maker, Middle School News, Preschool News, Share the Well

Throughout Mount Vernon, students are participating in an initiative to give back to School, by sharing their artistic talents. From three-year olds to Middle Schoolers, students are creating hand-painted items to be auctioned off at The Benefit for Innovation: A Harvest Gala on Saturday, November 7, in an effort to raise funds for MVIFI (Mount Vernon’s Institute for Innovation), whose mission is to enhance the transformational learning experience of MV students and worldwide learners.
Class Contributions:
Miss Ashlee’s Threes Class: “Please and Thank You” handpainted canvas
Miss Kate’s Threes Class: “Uno Dos Tres” handpainted canvas
Miss Kelli’s Prekindergarten Class: Painted and Decorated Child’s Table and Two Chairs
Miss Lisa’s Prekindergarten Class: Painted and Decorated Child’s Bookcase
Miss Stacey’s Young Fives Class: “Start Your Engines” handpainted canvas and Decorated Toy Chest
Kindergarten Classes: Four “Hand” painted Adirondack Chairs (child-sized)
Seventh Grade Art Classes: Six Splatter painted Adirondack Chairs (adult-sized)
Eighth Grade Art Classes: Two “Hand” painted Cornhole Sets
In Hank Kunath’s seventh grade art class, students formed small groups to make the chair painting project both challenging and fun. Robbie Long, Sydney Levitan, Sarah Pope, and Carson Will led the four teams, directing each of the small groups in what turned out to be an exciting and creative experience. After laying a large drop cloth on the Glenn Campus green, they placed six adult-sized Adirondack chairs in the center. Dressed in aprons and armed with brushes and multiple cups of paint, students encircled the chairs in preparation for a whirlwind. Mr. Kunath shares, “The students reminded me of fairies dancing around a circle of Adirondack Chairs as they flicked and splattered paint, while laughing and squealing sounds of delight.”
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The families of students in first through fourth grades contributed extravagant themed baskets, such as: Parent’s Night Out, The Great Outdoors, Sports and Pamper Me, to the auction.
As students and families, alike, share their talents, time and efforts and give back to the School, the entire Mount Vernon community benefits.