Book Characters Step Off the Pages in Middle School

Feb 24, 2016 | Maverick, Middle School News, Uncategorized

IMG_0227Students in Grades 5 and 6 are AVID readers, which was demonstrated on February 19 during “Book Character Day”! Each student (and teacher) was given the opportunity to dress up as one of their favorite literary characters.
Many genres of both fiction and non-fiction were portrayed, as characters stepped off the pages into life – individually and in groups.
Grade 5 revealed their knowledge and skills from Literature class when they came dressed as characters from The Watsons Go to Birmingham, a classic tale of racial equality taught by Mrs. Goins. In addition, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss was voted the winner in the contest for “Best in Grade”.  Science teacher Ms. Domby, dressed as Harry Potter, said, “I think this was a really cool day because it was totally student-driven, brought to fruition through the support of teachers and administration. We were all really impressed with the students’ creativity.”
Grade 6 had multiple collaborative groups; several boys banded together to represent their favorite basketball players based on biographies they read throughout the year.  A winner voted as “Best Group” in this grade was portrayed by five girls dressed as Scooby Doo characters – each student displayed their favorite book in this popular series.  Coach T, part of the Three Little Pigs teacher group, really hammed it up and was “impressed with the students’ attention to detail in their costume designs.” 
IMG_0208This fun day was the brainchild of Spencer Corley, Student Council Vice President.  He presented the idea to the council and Head of Middle School Mr. Houston, as well as coordinated the dates and details with the dean, Mrs. Mines. Spencer commented, “I am very excited about the return of this special day. I remember doing this when I was younger, and I appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm for this fun event. I was really impressed with the students’ imagination and the variety of costumes!”

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