Grade 6 Mount Vernon Student Receives Honorable Mention in Peace Poster Contest

Nov 17, 2020 | Build People Up, Highlights, IMAMUSTANG, Middle School News, Multiplier, Share the Well

Congratulations to Grade 6 Caroline Kincaid who recently received Honorable Mention for a Peace Poster Contest through the Atlanta Lions Club.

Her poster represented many different symbols of peace. Caroline shares, “Most of the symbols in this painting are simple symbols of peace. But some have more of a personal meaning. For example, the angel wings, I believe in God and I think that God has a plan for us. He sends angels to watch over us and makes sure that we spread peace, love, joy, and positivity.

I wanted to represent multiple cultures in this painting, but I didn’t want to leave any culture out either in case it offended people. Every culture is amazing and unique in their own way and I can’t capture that much beauty in one piece. So I represented a culture that means something to me. I am a quarter Korean and so I chose Korean characters that mean the word peace.

The paper airplane flying around the Olympic symbol represents to me words of encouragement, love, unity, and good deeds that are being shared and sent from person to person around the world. I have seen so much hate in this world, but I also have seen so much love because we all have so much to give.

If we all do our part we can change the world. It takes a village to do this. One person cannot do everything, but we can all do little things to serve. All the little things count and add up to big things which can bring peace to our world.” 

The posters submitted through the contest were critiqued by four judges and looked at artistic merit, how well the poster matched the theme: “Peace through Service”, and originality.

One of the judges shared about Caroline’s poster, “Your poster reached globally via the use of the Olympic rings and the message of peace was heartwarming.”

Way to go, Caroline!